Fallout Online Wiki

Basic Crafting[]

Open your Fix-Boy by clicking Fix (hotkey: F ). You will see a list of items. Before any professions are taken and you're lvl 1, you will still be able to see a beginners craft list which everyone has access to. Now depending on your character build with stats, you may or may not be able to craft any items. After bringing up the list, and clicking on an item, you will see detailed information, skills, tools, and resources required to make that specific item.

Now back one step to the listing page: names in dark red mean you don't meet the tool and/or material requirements, but have access to the item. Items you don't have access to will simply not be on your Fix-boy. When you are ready to craft a certain item (standing at workbench, have the materials, etc.), the name will light up in green. After clicking on said item, click Fix at the right, and you will craft whatever it is, with the reduction in materials from your inventory.

-As you buy training for professions, which you only have 3 slots to use for, your recipes for crafting will grow. Check the manual for training requirements and some possible places to obtain the training.


After crafting something you must wait a while before you can craft more items. Open Pip-Boy and select Status to see how long you have to wait.



It is generally a good idea to pick at least one profession to master. Even if you feel you can manage just being a slaughtering monster, being able to make weapons/armor/healing items will make your life a little easier and be good on your 'resume ' if you want to join a faction.

Basic Resources[]

Copy-Paste from french wiki. Need edit.[]

http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=ru&sl=auto&tl=en&u=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.fallout-3.com%2Fwiki%2FCrafting Page à jour !

Some digits edited


                                PROFESSION - PRODUCTION - CRAFTING >> (PPC) TABLES

Le PPC est le système de production de FOnline. Une profession particulière vous permettra de crafter des objets particuliers, comme des armes, des armures et des munitions. Sur cette page figure la liste exhaustive des professions et de leurs possiblités de craft. Un personnage est particulièrement dédié au craft : Le Crafteur.

Start the Craft[]

So you're naked in the desert and you want to start craft armor, weapons, etc.. Here is a summary of the pre-requisite stats based raw materials that you want to pick up:

  • Harvesting of minerals: 40% in Science
  • Collect fiber 40% Outdoorsman
  • Cut wood: 30% Outdoorsman
  • Collect fruit: 30% Outdoorsman
  • Pick up the flint: 30% in Science
  • Picking flowers: 60% First Aid and 40% Doctor

The first thing to do for you-little-crafteur is going you post next toVault City (or another city but secure Vault City is the best craft for). Now you'll have to get yourself a hammer (Sledgehammer) and axe (Hatchet). You can get them by special quests or manufacture them yourself.

If you feel to make yourself, you will wander in the desert and into an empty box. Walk around the map and see if you see the ground a small black pebble. Sometimes it's just a rock, sometimes it is a flint. If it is a flint, you pick. Then, you block and you can reload another map (no need to move you in the desert for that, change the maps loaded each time). This allows you to craft a Primitive tool. (Caution, this object will break after the first use). With this tool, you can harvest timber on a tree. Finding the "junk", you'll be able crafter a hatchet and a hammer.

Once you have your axe, you can collect as much timber as you want.

Once you have a hammer, you can begin to reap the Iron ore and minerals in quantity.

For a knife, you will have to either build or buy. This knife enables you to pick up fiber for making ropes or crafter armor.

I leave you discover the rest for yourself young grasshopper and remember that you can cross anything and especially anyone in the desert. So quickly build a tent to store your precious gear.

Table de profession[]


Level Strength Repair Baltas, Modoc Rondo, RNC (cha1) Simon, LA Blades Bronco, SF Bunker Corporal Armstrong, Navarro
1 3 60% 1500 caps 1500 caps  ? N/A 1500 caps
2 6 120%  ? caps 3000 caps  ? N/A ? caps
3 7 180% N/A N/A N/A Currently impossible 60 Microfusion Cells* + 2500 caps

Avantages : Fabrique des Armures pour le groupe : extrêmement utile en début de partie (armures de cuir Mark 2) tout comme en fin de partie (Armure de combat Mark 2), seul ce personnage vous permet d'avoir accès aux meilleures armures du jeu, sa présence est indispensable. Plus d'infos sur l'Armurier Ici.

  • Dans certains cas, l'adhésion à l'Enclave ne coutera que 50 smalls énergie cells.

Gunsmith - Small Guns[]

Level Strength Agility Small Guns Repair Science Skeeter, Gecko(1CH) Eldrige, New Reno Boyce, Junktown Miller, Raiders Rondo, RNC
1 3 4 70% 60% 50% 1500 caps 1500 caps  ? -- --
2 4 5 110% 90% 70% 3000 caps  ?  ? -- --
3 4 6 150% 120% 90% -- -- -- 4500 caps  ?

Avantages : Fabrique et améliore les Armes légères pour le groupe : peut s'avérer déterminant en début de partie (fusils de chasse, fusils à canon scié),il pourra améliorer les pistolets (chargement rapide pour magnum, et chargeur amélioré pour deagle) et les fusils (FN Fal, lunette pour fusil de chasse..). En outre ce personnage pourra fabriquer des munitions ce qui le rendra totalement indispensable au groupe à cause de la pénurie.

Plus d'infos sur le Fabricant d'Armes légères Ici.

Gunsmith - Big Guns[]

Rang Force Agilité Armes lourdes Réparation Science Jester, Broken Hill Eldridge, New Reno Jacob, Hub Gond, RNC Quincy, Navarro
1 4 4 55% 60% 50% 1500 caps 1500 caps  ? -- --
2 5 5 95% 90% 70% 3000 caps 3000 caps  ? -- --
3 6 6 135% 120% 90% -- -- --  ?  ?

Avantages : Fabrique et améliore les Armes lourdes pour le groupe : peut fabriquer des lance-flammes en début de partie, très utile pour les personnages en armes lourdes, et peut améliorer les miniguns en miniguns avenger et les lance-flammes en version améliorée. Il pourra aussi crafter certain type de munitions comme du .223 et du 5mm.

Plus d'infos sur le Fabricant d'Armes lourdes Ici.

Energy Expert[]

Level Intelligence Science Energy Weapons Hank, Gecko Brian, Broken Hills Elmer, LA Gunnrunners Scribe Ron, BoS SF Bunker Corporal Jefferson, Navarro
1 7 60% 80% 1500 caps N/A N/A N/A N/A
2 8 90% 110% N/A 3000 caps N/A N/A N/A
3 9 120% 140% N/A N/A N/A N/A 4500 caps + 60 MFC

Demolition Expert[]

Rang Intelligence Perception Traps Science Zaius, Broken Hills Dan McGrew, Redding Marge LeBarge, Redding
1 >5 >6 80% 60% 20 meat 1500caps 10 Jet
2 >6 >8 140% 120% 30 Rot Gut 25 Jet 25 Jet

Avantages : Fabrique les explosifs pour le groupe : peut s'avérer extrêmement utile en début de partie, car les explosifs font des dégâts considérables surtout sur les ennemis en groupe grâce à leur dégâts de zone. Il pourra ainsi fabriquer des cocktails molotovs, des grenades, du plastic.. Les explosifs peuvent vous permettre de gagner de l'xp plus facilement et plus rapidement que n'importe quel autre arme du moment que vous ne vous les faites pas péter à la figure. Ce personnage bien que très puissant et plutôt marrant a jouer peut s'avérer très difficile à manœuvrer. Il est recommandé de ne pas l'utiliser si c'est votre premier personnage.

Plus d'infos sur l'Expert en Démolition Ici.


Rang Intelligence First Aid Doctor Dr. Johnson, Redding (3CH) Dr. Henry & Dr. Jubilee, NCR (1CH) Dr. Andrew, VC Dr. Fung, SF Dr. Troy, VC Dr. Larrikin, Junktown(1CH)
1 7 80% 50% 1500 caps  ?  ?  ?  ? 1500 caps
2 8 115% 80% 3000 caps  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?
3 9 150% 110% -- -- -- -- 4500 caps --

Avantages : Peut faire des supers stimpacks ainsi que de nombreuses drogues.

Table de Production[]

Ressource à produire Faction Lieu Méthode Compétence requise Outils requis Ressource requise Profession requise
Brahmin Hide / Meat Toutes dans la périphérie de modoc ou une case a gauche de la RNC Looter les brahmines mortes -- -- -- --
Metal parts toute -- Crafting Science 40% Workbench Iron Ore (2) --
Ore Toutes Rencontres aléatoires - Amas de rochers (coté droit) Utiliser un marteau Science 40% Massue / SuperMassue -- --
Minerals Toutes Rencontres aléatoires - Amas de rochers (coté gauche) Utiliser le Marteau Science 40% Massue / SuperMassue -- --
Fiber Toutes Plante mutante dans les rencontres aléatoires Utiliser un couteau (n'importe quel couteau) sur la plante mutante Outdoorsman 40% N'importe quel type de couteau -- --
Wood Toutes Arbres des rencontres aléatoires Utiliser la hachette sur les arbres Outdoorsman 20% Hachette -- --
Flint Toutes parfois Dans les rencontres aléatoires, sur le sol Ramasser Science 30% -- -- --
Gunpowder Toutes -- Crafting Science 60% Workbench Minerals (1) --
Alloys Toutes -- Crafting Science 80% Workbench Ore (3)

Minerals (3)

Rot Gut Toutes -- Utiliser le Wood et le Fruit sur l'alambic (Still) Science 40% Alambic (Still) Wood (1)

Fruit (2)

Fruit Toutes Plante mutante dans les rencontres aléatoires Utiliser la plante mutante (plante verte) Outdoorsman 30% -- -- --
Junk Toutes Barril avec du trash dans les villes L'utiliser Repair 40% -- -- --
Junk + Electronic Parts Toutes Barril avec du trash Utiliser le barril Repair 80% -- -- --
Broc Flower Toutes Dans les rencontres aléatoires, sur le sol Le ramasser First air 60%

Doctor 40%

-- -- --
Xander Root Toutes Dans les rencontres aléatoires, sur le sol Le ramasser First aid 60%

Doctor 40%

-- -- --
%Bio Med Gel% Toutes Vault City Chez Phyllis dans l'abri 8 -- -- -- --
Gecko Pelt Toutes Rencontres aléatoires sur les Silver Gecko Loot -- -- -- --
Golden Gecko Pelt Toutes Rencontres aléatoires sur les Golden Gecko Loot -- -- -- --
%Jet% Mordinos Etable de Myron Utiliser le workbench spécial qui est là-bas -- Workbench spécial des étables -- Mordino's Druggist (Chaque level +1jet produit)
Uranium Ore Toutes Achat uniquement aux Broken Hills Parler au Super-Mutant Zaius -- -- -- --
%Refined Uranium Ore% Toutes Payer pour raffinage aux Broken Hills -- -- -- -- --
%Empty Hypodermic% Toutes Abri 8 (Casier de Phyllis), Marchands de New Reno, The Den et Redding OU utiliser un stimpak 1 chance sur 2 d'avoir un empty hypodermic Achetez-le -- -- -- --
%Compensator% Toutes Achat uniquement au Bazar de la RNC Parler à Buster -- -- -- Gunsmith (Arme légère)[3]
%Plasma Transformer Toutes Achat uniquement à la centrale de Gecko Parler à Hank -- -- -- Energy Expert [3]

Table de Crafting[]

Code couleur[]

Couleur Profession
Gunsmith Small Gun
Gunsmith Big Gun
Energy Expert
Demolition Expert

Small Guns[]

Objet à produire Compétence requise Ressources nécessaire Outil requis Etabli Gain XP
Red Ryder BB Gun File:Bbgun.gif Small Gun 45% Wood (1)Junk (1) -- Tous 12
10mm Pistol File:Pisto10mm.gif Small Gun 45% Wood (1)Junk (3) -- Tous 54
9mm Mauser File:Mauser.gif Small Gun 45% Wood (1)Junk (4) Guns and Bullets Tous 66
Shotgun File:Chasse.gif Small Gun 45% Wood (1)Junk (3)

Metal Parts (2)

-- Tous 195
Sawed-Off Shotgun File:Doublescie.gif Gunsmith Small Guns [1] Shotgun (1) Guns and Bullets Tous 0
Extented magazineExtendedMagazine Gunsmith Small Guns [1] Junk (1) Guns and Bullets Tous 90
Speed LoaderSpeedLoader Gunsmith Small Guns [1] Junk (1) Guns and Bullets Tous 90
ScopeFile:Scope.png Gunsmith Small Guns [1] Junk (4) Guns and Bullets Tous 90
10MM SMG File:Mitrailleuse.gif Gunsmith Small Guns [1] Junk (1)

Metal Parts (2)

Alloys (1)

Wood (1)

Guns and Bullets Tous ?
Tommy Gun Tommygun Gunsmith Small Guns [1] Junk (6)

Metal Parts (5)

Wood (1)

Guns and Bullets Tous ?
Desert Eagle File:Aigledesert.gif Gunsmith Small Guns [1] Junk (4)Wood (1) Guns and Bullets Tous 150
Desert Eagle (Exp.Mag.) File:Desert2.gif Gunsmith Small Guns [1] Desert Eagle (1)Extended magazine (1) Guns and Bullets Tous 15
.44 Magnum File:44magnum.gif Gunsmith Small Guns [1] Wood (1)Metal Parts (2) Guns and Bullets Tous 165
.44 Magnum (Speed Load) File:44boost.gif Gunsmith Small Guns [1] 44 Magnum (1)Speed Loader (1) Guns and Bullets Tous 15
Hunting Rifle File:Carabine.gif Gunsmith Small Guns [1] Wood (1)Metal Parts (2) Guns and Bullets Tous 165
Scoped Hunting Rifle File:Carabine2.gif Gunsmith Small Guns [1] Hunting Rifle (1)Scope (1) Guns and Bullets Tous 60
14MM File:Pisto14mm.gif Gunsmith Small Guns [2] Metal Parts (2)Alloys (2)

Wood (1)

Guns and BulletsTool Tous 900
Needler Pistol File:Pistoaiguilles.gif Gunsmith Small Guns [2] Alloys (1)Wood (1) Guns and BulletsTool Tous 360
Grease Gun Greasegun Gunsmith Small Guns [2] Junk (7)Metal Parts (6)

Alloys (3)

Wood (1)

Guns and BulletsTool Tous 1800
Combat Shotgun File:Combat.gif Gunsmith Small Guns [2] Junk (5)Metal Parts (7)

Wood (1)

Alloys (4)

Guns and BulletsTool Tous ?
Assault Rifle File:Assaut.gif Gunsmith Small Guns [2] Metal Parts (5)Alloys (3)

Junk (3)

Wood (1)

Guns and BulletsTool Tous 1650
Assault Rifle(Exp.Mag.) File:Ak112boost.gif Gunsmith Small Guns [2] Assault Rifle (1)Metal Parts (2)

Junk (1)

Extended Magazine (1)

Guns and BulletsTool Tous 210
FN FAL File:Fnfal.gif Gunsmith Small Guns [2] Metal Parts (8)Junk (4)

Alloys (3)

Electronic Parts (4)

Wood (1)

Guns and BulletsTool Tous 2400
FN FAL HPFA File:Fnfal.gif Gunsmith Small Guns [3] FN FAL (1)Metal Parts (6)

Junk (2)

? Tous 450
Pistolet .223 Automatique File:Pisto223mm.gif Gunsmith Small Guns [3] Hunting Rifle (1)Junk (8)

Metal Parts (5)

Alloys (6)

Wood (1)

? Tous 3300
Pancor Jackhammer File:Pancor.gif Gunsmith Small Guns [3] Junk (10)Metal Parts (14)

Alloys (8)

Wood (1)

? Tous 4800
H&K Caws File:Caws.gif Gunsmith Small Guns [3] Junk (8)Metal Parts (11)

Alloys (5)

Wood (1)

? Tous 3300
H&K P90c File:P90c.gif Gunsmith Small Guns [3] Junk (8)Metal Parts (11)

Alloys (4)


? Tous 2850
Sniper rifle File:Sniper.gif Gunsmith Small Guns [3] Junk (5)

Metal Parts (5)

Alloys (5)

Wood (1)

? Tous 2850
XL70e3 Fichier:Xl70e3.gif Gunsmith Small Guns [3] Junk (4)

Metal Parts (6)

Alloys (7)

Wood (1)

? Tous 3600

Big Guns[]

Objet à produire Compétence requise Ressources nécessaire Outil requis Etabli Bonus profession Gain XP
FlamerFile:8flammes.gif Big Gun 30%Science 40% Metal Parts (10)Junk (2)

Wood (1)

-- Tous ? 750
Rocket LauncherFile:7roquettes.gif Gunsmith Big Gun [1] Metal Parts (4)Alloys (3)

Junk (7)

Guns and Bullets Tous ? 1500
MinigunFile:1minigun.gif Gunsmith Big Gun [2] Alloys (6)Metal Parts (7)

Junk (5)

Wood (1)

Guns and BulletsTool Tous ? 3000
M60File:4m60.gif Gunsmith Big Gun [2] Metal Parts (6)Junk (4)

Alloys (11)

Wood (1)

Guns and BulletsTool Tous ? 4800
Avenger MinigunFile:2avenger.gif Gunsmith Big Gun [3] ? ? ? ? ?
Light Support WeaponFile:5legere.gif Gunsmith Big Gun [3] ? ? ? ? ?
Heater Chamber ? ? ? ? ? ?

Energy Wieapons[]

Subject to generate Competence required Resources required Tool required Gain XP
Laser Pistol Energy Weapons 30% Science 40% Metal Parts (1) Junk (1)

Electronic Parts (1)Wood (1)

Workbench 180
Magnetic Field Targeting System Energy Expert [1] Metal Parts (3) Electronic Parts (1) Deans ElectronicsWorkbench 90
Magneto-Laser Pistol Energy Expert [1] Laser Pistol (1)

Magnetic Field Targeting System (1)

Deans ElectronicsWorkbench 360
Plasma Pistol Energy Expert [2] Metal Parts (5) Alloys (3)

Electronic Parts (5) Wood (1)

Deans ElectronicsTool


Plasma Pistol (Ext.Cap.) Energy Expert [3] Plasma Pistol (1) Metal Parts (1)Electronic Parts (1) Deans Electronics ToolWorkbench ?
Laser Rifle Energy Expert [1] Metal Parts (10) Alloys (2)

Electronic Parts (8) Junk (3) Wood (1)

Deans Electronics Tool


Extended Capacitor Battery Energy Expert [2] Metal Parts (1) Junk (2) Electronic Parts (1) Deans ElectronicsWorkbench 900
Laser Rifle (Ext.Cap.) Energy Expert [3] Laser Rifle (1) Extended Capacitor Battery (1) Deans Electronics ToolWorkbench ?
Plasma Rifle Energy Expert [3] Metal Parts (10)

Alloys (9) Electronic Part (10) Wood (1)

Deans Electronics ToolWorkbench 6300


Objet à produire Compétence requise Ressources nécessaire Outil requis Etabli Bonus profession Gain XP
Brass KnucklesFile:Americpoing2.gif Unarmed 50% Junk (1) -- -- -- 12
Spiked KnucklesFile:Americpoing.gif Unarmed 70% Junk (4)Flint (2) -- -- -- ?
Knife (10)File:Couteau.gif Melee Weapons 60%Science 40% Metal Parts (1) -- -- -- ?
Combat KnifeFile:Combat knife.png Melee Weapons 60%Science 40% Wood (1)Metal Parts (1) -- Tous -- ?
Throwing Knife (10)File:Couteau2.gif Science 40%Throwing 40% Junk (1)Metal Parts (4)

Wood (1)

-- -- -- 300
Sharpened PoleFile:Baton.gif Melee Weapons 60% Wood(1) -- -- -- ?
SpearFile:Lance.gif Melee Weapons 60% Junk (1)Sharpened Pole (1) -- -- -- ?
Sharpened SpearFile:Lance2.gif Melee Weapons 60% Spear (1)Flint (1) -- -- -- ?
Cattle Prod Energy Expert[1] Alloys (1)Junk (1)

Metal Parts (2)

Deans Electronics Tous -- ?
Improved Capacitor Battery Energy Expert[2] Alloys (2)Electronic Parts (2)

Metal Parts (5)

Deans Electronics Tous -- 900
Super Cattle ProdFile:Superaiguillon.gif Energy Expert[2] Cattle Prod (1)Improved Capacitor Battery (1) Deans Electronics Tous -- ?
PowerfistFile:Superpoing.gif Energy Expert[2] Metal Parts (6)

Alloys (3)

Electronic Parts (4)

Deans Electronics Tous -- ?
Upgraded Power Servo Energy Expert[3] Metal Parts (2)

Alloys (2)

Electronic Parts (2)

Deans Electronics Tous -- 900
Mega Power FistFile:MegaPowerFist.png Energy Expert[3] Powerfist (1)Upgraded Power Servo (1) Deans Electronics Tous -- ?
Ripper Energy Expert[3] Metal Parts (6)

Alloys (3)

Electronic Parts (7)

Deans Electronics Tous -- ?


Objet à produire Compétence requise Ressources nécessaire Outil requis Etabli Bonus profession Gain XP
Molotov Cocktail (10)File:Molotov.gif Throwing 40%Outdoorsman 40% Rot Gut (3) -- -- -- 280
Grenade (Frag) (10)File:Grefrag.gif Demolition Expert [1] Gunpowder (3)

Junk (3)

Metal Parts (1)

Guns and Bullets Tous -- 300
Grenade (Plasma) (10)File:Greplasma.gif Demolition Expert [2] Micro Fusion Cells (25)Alloys (1) Big Book of Science Tous -- 600
DynamiteFile:?.gif Demolition Expert [2] Detonator Parts (1)

Junk (2)

Gunpower (4)

Chemistry JournalsBig Book of Science Tous -- 300
Plastic ExplosivesFile:Plastic.gif Incraftable (Demolition Expert[3] ?) Detonator Parts (1)Gunpowder (5)

Electronic Parts (2)

Chemistry JournalsBig Book of Science Tous -- ?
Dynacord Stick (10)File:Dynacor.png Incraftable (Demoliton Expert[3] ?) Metal Parts (2)Alloy (1)

Gunpowder (4)

Wood (1)

Chemistry JournalsBig Book of Science Tous -- ?


Objet à produire Compétence requise Ressources nécessaire Outil requis Etabli Bonus profession Gain XP
BB's (100)fichier:4billes.gif Small Guns 45%Science 60% Gunpowder (2)Junk (1) -- Tous ? 120
.44 Magnum JHP (100) File:9cal14.gif Small Guns 45%Science 60% Gunpowder (3)Metal Parts (1)

Junk (3)

-- Tous ? 270
10mm JHP (100) File:1smallcal.gif Small Guns 45%Science 60% Metal Parts (1)

Junk (1)

Gunpowder (4)

-- Tous ? 300
9mm ball (100)File:3useless.gif Small Guns 45%

Science 60%

Metal Parts (1)

Gunpowder (2)

-- Tous ? 180
12ga. Shotgun She. (100) File:7cal12.gif Small Guns 45%Science 40% Junk (2)Gunpowder (5)

Metal Parts (1)

-- Tous ? 420
5mm JHP (100)File:5ccm.gif Gunsmith Small/Big [1] Metal Parts (1)Gunpowder (4)

Junk (3)

Guns and Bullets Tous ? 360
10mm AP (100) File:2smallcal2.gif Gunsmith Small Guns [1] Metal Parts (1)Gunpowder (4)

Junk (1)

-- Tous ? ?
.45 Caliber (100)File:45CAL.gif Repair 60%Science 50%

Small Guns 70%

Metal Parts (1)Gunpowder (4)

Junk (4)

-- Tous ? ?
.44 Magnum FMJ (100) File:10cal142.gif Gunsmith Small Guns [1] Metal Parts (1)Gunpowder (3)

Junk (3)

-- Tous ? ?
HN Needler Catridge (100) File:Needler.png Gunsmith Small Guns [2] Metal Parts (1)Gunpowder (6) Guns and Bullets Vault City ? ?
14mm AP (100)File:8ammobozar.gif Repair 90%Science 70%

Small Guns 110%

Metal Parts (1)Gunpowder (6)

Junk (5)

Guns and Bullets Tous ? ?
.223 FMJ (100)File:11ammosniper.gif Gunsmith Small/Big [2] Metal Parts (1)Junk (4)

Gunpowder (6)

Guns and Bullets Tous ? 540
5mm AP (100)File:6ccm2.gif Gunsmith Small/Big [2] Metal Parts (1)Gunpowder (5)

Junk (1)

Guns and Bullets Tous ? 420
7.62mm (100)762mm Gunsmith Small/Big [2] Metal Parts (1)Gunpowder (5)

Junk (4)

Guns and Bullets Sierra

Raiders Camp

? ?
Explosive Rocket (10) File:15roquetteexplo.gif Gunsmith Big Gun [2] Gunpowder (4)Metal Parts (4)

Junk (3)

Guns and Bullets Tous ? 600
Rocket AP (10)File:14roquetteperforante.gif Gunsmith Big Gun [3] Metal Parts (4)Gunpowder (6)

Junk (5)

Guns and BulletsBig Book of Science NCREnclave


? ?
Flamethrower Fuel (20) File:16fuel.gif Big Gun 30%Outdoorsman 40% Rot Gut (4) -- Tous ? 250
Flamethr. Fuel MkII (20) File:FLMFUEL2.gif Gunsmith Big Gun [3] Flame fuel (20)

Super Burn (1)

Big Book of Science Tous ? ?
Small Energy Cell (100) File:12red.gif Energy Weapons 30%Science 40% Metal Parts (5)

Electronic Parts (1)

-- Tous ? 450
Micro Fusion Cell (100) File:13green.gif Energy Expert [2] Alloys (1)Electronic part (1)

Refined Uranium Ore (1)

Junk (1)

Gunpowder (3)

Deans Electronics Navarro ? 900

Care and Drugs[]

Objet à produire Compétence requise Ressources nécessaire Outil requis Etabli Gain XP
AntidoteFile:Antidote.gif Outdoorsman 40% Scorpion Tail (5) -- Tous 15
Healing PowderFile:Healing powder.gif Doctor [1] Xander Root (1)Broc Flower(1) First Aid Book Tous 96
BeerFile:Beer.png Doctor [1] Wood (3)Fruit (3) -- Tous 120
CigarettesFile:Cigarettes.png Doctor [2] Fruit (3) -- Tous 210
StimpakFile:Stimpack.gif Doctor [2] Bio Med GelEmpty Hypodermic (1)

Broc Flower(1)

Xander Root (1)

First Aid Book Tous 180
BuffoutFile:Buffout.gif Doctor [2] Meat Jerky (5)Fruit (2) Chemistry Journals Sierra

Vault City

RadAwayFile:Radaway.gif Doctor [2] Fruit (4)Meat Jerky (2) Chemistry Journals Sierra

Vault City

MentatsFile:Mentats.gif Doctor [3] Fruit (6) Chemistry Journals Sierra

Vault City

Rad-XFile:Radx.gif Doctor [3] Fruit (4)Meat Jerky (6) Chemistry Journals Sierra

Vault City

Super StimpakFile:Super stimpack.gif Doctor [3] Meat Jerky (1)Empty Hypodermic (1)

Bio Med Gel (2)

Xander Root (2)

Broc Flower(2)

First Aid Book Sierra

Vault City

PsychoFile:Psycho.gif Doctor [3] Mentats (1)Buffout (1)

Super Stimpak (2)

First Aid BookChemistry Journals Sierra

Vault City



Objet à produire Compétence requise Ressources nécessaire Outil requis Etabli Gain XP
SledgehammerFile:Marto.gif Science 40% Junk (1)

Wood (1)

-- -- 21
RopeFile:Corde.gif Outdoorsman 40% Fiber (1) -- Tous 30
Primitive Tool File:Primitive tool.png Outdoorsman 20% Flint (1) -- Tous 9
Super SledgeFile:Supersledge.png Melee Weapons 125%Science 80% Alloys (5)Electronic Parts (5)

Metal Parts (5)

-- Tous --
HatchetFile:Hatchet.gif Science 40% Junk (1)

Wood (1)

-- Tous 21
LockpicksFile:Paspartou.gif Lock pick 50% Metal Parts (2)Flint (1) -- Tous 150
Expanded Lockpick SetFile:Paspartou2.gif Lock pick 90% ?? -- -- --
Electronic LockpickFile:Electrical lockpick.gif Lock pick 130% ?? ?? Tous --
Electr. Lockpick MkIIFile:Electronical lockpick markII.gif ?? ?? ?? Tous --
LockFile:Lock.gif Lock pick 50% Metal Parts (4)Junk (2) -- Tous 300
RadioFile:Radio.gif Science 40% Junk (1)Metal Parts (1) -- Tous 90
ShovelFile:Pelle.png Science 40% Junk (1)Wood (1) -- Tous 21
Empty Water BagFile:Waterbag.png Outdoorsman 40% Brahmin Hide (1)Rope (1) -- Tous 90
Toolfichier:Tool.png Science 40% Junk (1)Metal Parts (1) -- Tous 90